“A New Era in Turkic World: The Organization of Turkic States” Special Issue - September 2022 (Issue Full File)


Introduction to Special Issue: “A New Era in Turkic World: The Organization of Turkic States”: Turkic World, Türkiye and Consent (in Turkish)
İlyas TOPSAKAL - Alperen Kürşad ZENGİN

Geopolitical Reality of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Context of Regional Leadership: The Turkic World (in Turkish)
Güngör ŞAHİN - Medihanur ARGALI

The Organization of Turkic States: Implications for the Regional Balance of Power

Organization of Turkic States: Where to Initiate the Integration Process and What to Do? (in Turkish)
Bilgehan EMEKLİER - Taner TAŞ - Kubilay Çağrı YILMAZ

Organization of Turkic States and the Opportunities Created by the Nagorno-Karabakh Victory (in Turkish)

Central Asian Regional Security after the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan (in Turkish)
Rüştü KAYA - Erdal BAYAR

The Role of the Organization of Turkic States in Ensuring the Cultural/Language Security of the Turkic Peoples/Turkic Speaking People Living in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region (in Turkish)

Organization of Turkic States as an International Organization in terms of International Law (in Turkish)
Hakkı Hakan ERKİNER - İlayda ERAY